The lawyers in the K.W. v. Armstrong lawsuit will be arguing before the judge this Friday, May 6, 2022, at 1:00 pm MT / 12:00 noon PT.
Earlier this year, the judge asked the lawyers if they have any disagreements about new budget system. The lawyers let the judge know there are at least three issues so far that the judge needs to make a decision about. The three issues are:
Until everyone is using the new system, should adults with developmental disabilities keep getting the budget protections they have now?
Can Medicaid give people budgets using the new system before the judge has approved appeal protections for the new system?
Does Medicaid have to show us the agreement that the SIS-A company has for Idaho?
This Friday 5/6/2022 at 1:00 pm MT / 12:00 noon PT, the lawyers for both sides will make arguments to the judge on these issues. You can listen in by phone only:
Meeting ID: 160 227 8907
Meeting Password: 651002
You are not allowed to record the hearing, just listen to it.
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